Telepathic Communication With Animals and Beyond
Telepathic communication with animals is possible! A few, brave people have proved it to be true. They have been dedicating their lives to improve the relationship between humans and animals. All you need is to be serious about understanding them.
Following my heart through my joy and love of animals, willing to give them something back for the immense joy, comfort, support, loyalty, and love that they provided me, my personal research has been further deepened. In fact, the service I can offer has been enriched with new tools aimed at animal well-being and harmonious coexistence with humans.
This path was a conscientious choice, intended to spread awareness about respect for Nature and animals. Ultimately, only a positive attitude towards the world and all those who inhabit it will make the world a better place.
We must be aware that our paths continuously cross with the many creatures that inhabit the planet. We, as human caretakers and guardians, are responsible for their health and well-being, such an act of human responsibility can no longer be postponed.
“The morality we have lived by was fragmentary only. We must abandon it in favor of the complete, all-embracing love expressed in “reverence for all life.” - Albert Schweitzer

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Percorsintrecciati wouldn’t exist if Micho hadn’t entered my life and left it prematurely and tragically. The pain for the loss of an innocent creature, a loyal friend able to trust humans again after being mistreated and abandoned, brought me an unexpected gift.
My search for a deep connection with animals was the best gift Micho ever gave me. I dedicate this website to him, and to all the abandoned and mistreated animals. I hope my work could honor his memory and pay off for the trust and the love he gave me, as he made me realize that animals suffer and rejoice just like us, and their lives are no less holy than ours. Thank you Micho for opening the doors to deep communication with the Animal Kingdom, thank you for your discreet presence, thank you for continuing to remind me that there is only one home: the heart!
“Good binding has no rope or knots, yet cannot be untied” - Lao Tzu

About Me
Certainly both my love for animals and my desire to understand them, which I have been nurturing since I was a child, played an important role in the choice to get a degree in Natural Sciences from the Università degli Studi of Milano. But my lifestyle soon interfered with my student career and my heartfelt aspirations.
After years of hard work, I felt an urgent need to find myself. In spite of the apparent success and money I earned, I was unhappy. It was not what I wanted to do in my life, nothing to do with my passions, studies and my deepest feelings. So I decided to leave Milan, my hometown, and embrace a life that was more in alignment for my inner needs.
As a volunteer and in my professional relationship with the World Wide Fund (WWF), I had the privilege of seeing places where Mother Earth’s beauty still shines bright, both within Italy and abroad for over a decade. I dedicated my work to protect natural areas of immense value.
After that, I moved abroad for family reasons. Along my journey, I encountered unexpected and inspiring people, and many animals that were no less special. I found myself back as a little kid who used to look at herself in the animals’ eyes. There I found peace and a reason to be in nature. I experienced pain for the loss of Micho, an abandoned cat, a creature that gave himself to me in order to escape human ruthlessness. That’s how I ended up exploring a land that’s still for the most part unknown: the intimate connection between human and animal thanks to the communications of the heart, a telepathic connection.
My natural inclination towards the more spiritual side of life came back at once. Telepathic communication with animals, together with respectful and gentle approaches aimed at their well-being and harmonious coexistence with humans, helps us to become women and men aware of their true origin and nature, to respect and honour all that surrounds us, to be grateful for the gifts that Mother Earth continues to bestow upon us every day. It helps us to increase our awareness of the sacredness of Life in its many manifestations. A step forward towards the urgently needed and desired transformation into beings that can truly call themselves "human"!
If you want to know more about my constantly evolving experiences, click here.
“The balanced rhythm of the universe is rooted in reciprocity.” - Paramahansa Yogananda

Telepathic Animal Communication
Telepathic Animal Communication is a form of non-verbal communication that happens when we connect with other creatures through an energetic connection. We can have a distant conversation with animals through the transmission of images, sounds, smells, feelings, ideas, concepts, words, or even physical states. This way we can understand their point of view concerning many topics, issues, and situations that involve them.
I communicate telepathically with animals with the aim of helping them, and the people who relate to them, to overcome difficulties and misunderstandings for a more harmonious and serene life together, based on mutual understanding, respect and love. In short, my work consists of translating into words what I receive, leaving the interpretation of the same to the person requesting my service. Sometimes one communication session is enough, sometimes it is necessary to interview the animal several times (the service offered covers this possibility and the payment remains the same). The presence of the animal is not required.
Particularly, I can help with:
- Understanding the origins of diverse problems and provide solutions to solve them;
- Identifying critical factors to the well-being of the animal;
- Moving through transitional periods, and/or difficulties due to a change in the animal’s life;
- Finding a connection with animals that passed away.
IMPORTANT: I do not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent pathologies. For such needs, please, refer to veterinarians with expertise in integrated medicine. I periodically give courses in Telepathic Animal Communication and, for those who have already started training, tutoring is available on request. Calendars, updates on proposals and costs in the blog, under the category "learning".

Trust Technique@ for domestic animals
It is a wonderful method that reduces levels of mental processing through the practice of mindfulness to promote trust, connection and communication and thus develop a harmonious, trust-worthy human-animal relationship. Furthermore, we are all aware of how excessive thoughts and emotional trauma can be reflected on a physical level in tensions and various disorders. Trust Technique@ helps animals and humans to release trauma and regain mental and physical balance. The sessions can take place both in person and at a distance, and always require the participation of the animal and her/his human being of reference. The aim is to enable the person responsible for the animal's well-being to understand and apply the technique with ease and awareness to the benefit of both.
Among the benefits:
- the building of a relationship of genuine communication and collaboration based on mutual trust,
- the possibility of preventing/avoiding difficult situations as the animal will have a safe and reliable reference point in its human,
- the development of a listening capacity that allows the animal to be considered in its multidimensional dimension (physical, emotional, spiritual) and to be understood,
- to support and encourage healing processes at both the emotional and physical level to the benefit of both the animal and the human,
- discovering the joy and beauty of an authentically connected human-animal relationship for a naturally more harmonious life.
A beautiful tool, as simple as it is effective, for a profound transformation of life to the maximum benefit of all. If you are interested in learning more about the basics and benefits of the Trust Technique@ a mini video series is available at this address: https://trust-technique.com/product/messages-of-trust/tt/85/ at a modest cost of great value!
IMPORTANT: I do not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent pathologies. For such needs, please, refer to veterinarians with expertise in integrated medicine.

Remote bioenergy support
Using a small German-made instrument (Healy) equipped with a quantum sensor, I can contribute to the harmonisation of the bioenergetic field - understood as the flow of vital energy that unites body, mind and soul - of animals. The quantum sensor selects from 144,000 golden frequencies those that the subject needs, customising the analysis in real time and sending them remotely.
This approach is the result of decades of scientific research and designed to promote calm and provide inner strength in a simple, versatile and holistic way.
The benefits are manifold and encompass the entire sphere of being and, as with all personalised approaches, vary from animal to animal in both time and manner.
IMPORTANT: I do not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent diseases. For such needs, please, refer to veterinarians with expertise in integrated medicine.
“Animals, like us, are living souls. They are not things. They are not objects. Neither are they human. Yet they mourn. They love. They dance. They suffer. They know the peaks and chasms of being.” - Gary Kowalski
Nicoletta was spot on when she communicate with my animal friend, Casper. She was able to let me know how Casper felt, reasons why he behaved a certain way and even his meals what he likes. That helped me understand Casper at a deeper level. Thank you Nicoletta.
- Veronica, Singapore
Nicoletta tapped in and captured the essence of my beloved pets both alive and in spirit. Her answers to my questions resonated with me in their truth and honesty and in knowing they came from my animals. Nicoletta also provided me with useful suggestions to improve their quality of lives. Because of her accurate communications, I have peace of mind now over things I used to fret about. Gratefully.
- Ann Turner, U.S.A.
When Nicoletta told us about the chance of communicating with our pets, we became curious immediately. We live with two adorable kittens that have a few inexplicable behaviors such as waking up in the middle of the night or at dawn without any particular reason. Nicoletta’s intervention solved the problem and she also pointed out some thoughts and needs that concerned Zara and Emily, which we had no clue about. We highly recommend her service!
- Alberto Zanerolla and Valentina Russo, Udine (Italy)
Nicoletta had some real intuitive communication from my dog Smokey who is in spirit. I'm going to use the advice genuinely! I really appreciate your communication Nicoletta!
- Joy Berg, California, U.S.A.
Further testimonials on Blog
How it works

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Write to nicoletta@percorsintrecciati.com to book and pay the service.

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What you can get
Telepathic Animal Communication
There is no need for physical contact in order to communicate with animals. You just need to send me a picture in which she/he is portrayed alone, together with basic info via email at nicoletta@pathsintertwined.com and explain the situation you want to face or solve, and the questions you would like to ask. The value of the service is €85,00 and includes my written report and a conversation over the phone/Skype about the content. I will schedule your session at the earliest opportunity upon receipt of payment.
Trust Technique@ for domestic animals
Trust Technique@ sessions can take place either face-to-face or remotely via video connection (e.g. Zoom). In both cases a preliminary phone interview is required in order to better plan the session. The presence of the animal and her/his human of reference is always required, each session lasts between 60 and 100 minutes. The service includes no less than two sessions at the value of €180.00 and can be booked by contacting me at the following e-mail address: nicoletta@percorsintrecciati.com
Bioenergetic support at a distance
The sessions can be single or in packages of 7 or 10 applications on different days, each lasting between 60 and 100 minutes. The presence of the animal is not required, simply a photo is needed, in which it is portrayed alone, together with some basic data. The value is €50,00 for a single session, €300,00 for a package of 7 sessions, €450,00 for 10 sessions. The service can be booked by contacting me at the following e-mail address: nicoletta@percorsintrecciati.com
“Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That’s the problem.”
- A.A. Milne
Nicoletta Toniutti
(+351) 924 731796
(+39) 342 1277112
e-mail: nicoletta@percorsintrecciati.com